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Causes Of Water Pollution Article

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Causes Of Water Pollution: What Is To Blame


It is true that our Earth is covered with a large percentage of water, but the fact is that most of it has been contaminated with some form of water pollution. It is an unavoidable need to stop this path of destruction, in order to maintain life, as we know it on our planet. The causes of water pollution are many, but they can be brought under control.

Different Types Of Water Pollution

Water pollution is best defined as any change, biological, chemical, physical or otherwise in the quality of water. This change has harmful effects on any living organism that uses, lives in, or drinks the water. There are different types and causes of water pollution, including:

• Disease causing – These means, such as bacteria, parasitic worms, and viruses enter the sewage systems and untreated wastes. Illegal dumping of raw sewage is a main factor.
• Oxygen demanding – There are certain bacteria that require oxygen to decompose. An excess of these bacteria enter the water and deplete the oxygen levels during their decomposing process, thus robbing the needed oxygen for life of the organisms that make the water their home.
• Inorganic Pollutants – These water-soluble agents, like acids, salts, and toxic metals make the water unfit to drink and cause harm to the aquatic life.
• Phosphates and Nitrates – These are also water-soluble and cause excessive growth of algae and plants. The excess growth of these organisms deprives the oxygen levels.
• Organic Compounds – Oil, plastics, and pesticides are compounds that are unhealthy for all living organisms.
• Radioactive – These water-soluble compounds are a main cause of birth defects, cancers, and other genetic damages. Illegal dumping is the main reason for this.

How Does It All Happen?

Water pollutants are carried two different ways, effectively creating two fundamental causes of water pollution. There can be a "point source," which occurs when these harmful substances are entered directly. An example would be a pipe from an industrial facility dumps directly into a waterway. "Nonpoint sources" are when pollutants are delivered indirectly through environmental change. An example of this would be when fertilizers or pesticides are carried through runoff into the waterways.

Some of the point source and nonpoint source causes of water pollution are:

• Pesticides – Farming and local mosquito spraying enters the runoff in watering and rain
• Fertilizers – General use and commercial use
• Gas, oil, and additives – Accidental spills, runoff, and illegal dumping
• Mining – Strip mining will create major erosion and the chemical filled sediments enter the waterways
• Sediment – Poor construction methods also create erosion
• Industrial and chemical wastes – Illegal dumping and monitored dumping
• Plastics – Barges of trash dumped offshore are filled with plastics that reek havoc on organisms in the water and the waterfronts
• Household cleaners, personal products and pharmaceutical – The remainders that go down the drain enter our sewage systems, and the containers get dumped. Pharmaceutical and hospital wastes end up in our oceans and wash ashore
• Sewage – Illegal dumping of raw sewage occurs and poorly treated wastes reenter our waterways
• Air pollution – Particles from the air drop into the water adding to the nightmare
• Temperature – The use of water for cooling purposes in industry and then dumped back into the water before it has a chance to cool creates a variety of issues

Water pollution does not stem from one cause, nor is there one type. Whatever the form it takes, it affects all the living organisms that live in the water, drink the water, or are near the waterways. It is time to stop the act of waste, abuse, and misuse of our most precious resource, and minimize the impact of the causes of water pollution.