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Using Retrieve Codes: Emissions Control Diagnostic Testing


One of the major changes to the emissions control systems in new vehicles is the use of various types of retrieve codes for emissions control diagnostic testing. This is done through the use of a system known as OBD ll or On-Board Diagnostic computer systems. This computer chip, located within the vehicles engine, constantly monitors the emissions and engine system, providing regular readings while the vehicle is running. When you bring the vehicle info repair or a tune up, the technician is able to retrieve codes for emissions control diagnostic and to determine if there are any problems with the emissions control system in the vehicle.

The benefit of the technician being able to retrieve codes for emissions control diagnostic testing means that he or she can target exactly what component of the exhaust system, engine or emissions control system is not working properly. In addition the OBD ll system also notifies the driver if there is a problem with the system through the on dash display of the "check engine" light. This light can come on for several reasons and only through going to a technician that can retrieve codes for emissions control diagnostic and assess the readings. In some cases if the reading was problem with a gas cap seal or other temporary problem the light may go off itself after a few drive cycles. Since it is impossible for owners to know if the condition causing the light to come on is serious or just an abnormality that will self-correct, taking it to a technician and allowing him to retrieve codes for emissions control diagnostic testing is the recommended option.

If you are concerned that the system may not be working properly most technicians will use a computer that will retrieve the codes for emissions control diagnostic at a low nominal fee or even for free as part of a tune-up. The dealership where you purchased the car or truck may also provide the service as part of their warranty program. Checking to make sure that the "check engine" light is working correctly is simple, just turn the key in the ignition one click, without actually starting the vehicle. This should cause the "check engine" light to come on. When you engage the ignition and the car starts, the light should go off.

To retrieve codes for emissions control diagnostic the mechanic or technician simply hooks a data link cord from the computer system in your car to a computer system that interprets the information from the vehicle. The assessment equipment downloads all the data and runs the required tests, comparing it to the information specifically for the type of engine. Any abnormalities are then printed out for the technician to view. Changes to the equipment on the car that are not standard will result in the inability to diagnose problems, plus it will also cause the vehicle to fail any state required emissions or inspections tests required to keep the vehicle on the road.