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Goal of Environmental Education – The Perspective



The changing trends in the field of industry and commercial activity have reflected themselves quite clearly in the way new and supportive industries have come up along with. Such a rapid pace of economic growth has also brought along with it a series of fallouts and negative impacts, leading to the need of newer initiatives such as creating awareness about environmental safety and the practices required to observe the same.

In such a scenario, it has become extremely important to pursue concrete environmental education programs in all types of organizations such as schools, colleges and production houses of all categories.

The Basics

As a process, the goals of environmental education centre on the twin objective of improving the surrounding environment as well as protecting the environment from the onslaught of negative impacts which are generally brought on by such economic progress.

The key goals of environmental education are to develop a world population that is aware of, and concerned about, the environment and its related problems. In addition, the goal is to develop a cluster of citizens who have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivation and commitment to work individually and collectively towards solutions of current problems and the prevention of new ones.

The most critical goal of environmental education is to ensure that the necessary information, guidelines and training is imparted to children and adolescents regarding the ill practices that might harm the environment in the longer run. In addition, another important goal of environmental education is to educate the industrial production houses about the safer practices that need to be followed in order to ensure that minimum damage occurs to their surroundings and environment.

It is an agreed fact the problem of environmental hazards has reached massive proportions in today's times. In such circumstances, it is almost impossible for a handful officials and authorities to handle the situation effectively. It is here that the goal of environmental education to create adequate awareness amongst various user groups becomes all the more critical. The aim is to educate those who are involved at the helm of affairs at locations which are the main causes of environmental hazards. If an appropriate measure of environmental education is imparted, then the goal of environmental education to minimize harm to the environment can be achieved effectively.

In addition, there are various environmental education projects that are engaged in different sets of objectives to be accomplished. However in order to meet desired goals of environmental education, these projects should be based on sound science and should enhance critical-thinking, and problem-solving techniques of the group in question.