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Pollution Control Board Article
Ins and Outs of the Pollution Control Board
from:The world is full of news about pollution on Earth, both good and bad, and involves an exceptionally wide range of pollutants. This requires the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its Science Advisory Board to provide advice and recommendations within this area, using their pollution control board. If something requires a specific regulation, this EPA board establishes a Federal advisory committee for advice on that subject. Many areas of discussion are involved within the EPA pollution control board—acid rain, water, air, pollution is different countries and areas, topics and issues of global warming, ecosystems, wetlands, urban, mobile sources, indoor air pollutants, and radon. In addition to the EPA Science Advisory Board are the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy & Technology and the Environmental Financing Advisory Board.
Pollution has become a sign of the times, with the pollution control board of the EPA going clear back online to 1994. Not a simple thing to research any information unless you have a focused destination, the EPA offers over 30 specific pollutants and hundreds of departments for each one—plus the state involved, 13 different issuing offices, and over 16 subject matters—all within one pollution control board. Preventing pollution is considered as "reducing or eliminating waste at the source", a counter-effect to their online statement regarding pollution--"The United States of America annually produces millions of tons of pollution and spends tens of billions of dollars per year controlling this pollution." This requires several steps set forth by the EPA pollution control board as a key policy in national environmental protection activities as follows:
• Modifying production processes
• Promoting the use of non-toxic or less-toxic substances
• Implementing conservation techniques
• Re-using materials rather than putting them into the waste stream
The laws of the United States are passed through Congress which govern our country, with the EPA's pollution control board and other governmental agencies creating and enforce certain regulations to follow those laws. By periodically assessing new information as it comes in, the EPA may find that a regulation is not needed or news need to be developed. Issues are abandoned and alternative courses of action may be required, such as using their 30 voluntary partnership programs that improve environmental management for specific aspects. Other areas are economic incentives and technical assistance.
The EPA motto seems to be doing "whatever it takes" as they go beyond the traditional governmental "command and control" regulations, creating unique approaches to solving problems within their pollution control board by utilizing those with degrees in business, statistics, sociology, education, and public policy. The EPA uses public involvement for many of its pollution issues, set up by the National Center for Environmental Innovation, an area which utilizes their outreach department, defined by its interaction purpose and the level of involvement with those involved. Three other public areas used by this are information exchange, recommendation, and agreement—all governed by the pollution control board specializing in that particular pollutant area.