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Air Pollution Control Systems Article
Effective Air Pollution Control Systems
from:Air pollution control systems can remove contaminants by two methods--they can kill them entirely or remove them before they are released into the air. Industry and transportation devices follow those procedures because they are the largest divisions which release contaminants into the air, considered the number one causes of major air pollution. Common air pollution is considered the release of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and nitrogen oxides into the air, with smog in the larger industrial cities and large populations causing high nitrogen oxide levels, with hydrocarbons developing as a reaction to sunlight in these areas.
Good effective air pollution control systems are designed with one purpose in mind, and that is to prevent harm or any form of discomfort to people or anything living, also preventing damage to the environment. When the Clean Air Act was enacted, it strengthened regulations of air pollution with the European Union following its initiatives. The Act provided mechanisms for reporting and enforcement, setting numerical limits on the air pollutions concentrations of "a basic group of pollutants affecting the air." Over the years, standards for the pollutants have been lowered by incorporating new Ozone standards and a new PM2.5
Presently, we are seeing a high reduction in air pollution due to tighter standards and advanced air pollution control systems:
• Carbon monoxide emissions fell from 197 million tons to 89 million tons
• Nitrogen oxide emissions fell from 27 million tons to 19 million tons
• Sulfur dioxide emissions fell from 31 million tons to 15 million tons
• Particulate emissions fell by 80%
• Lead emissions fell by more than 98%
There are several air pollution control systems that work as major pollution control devises. One is the particulate control, which is also referred to as the particulate matter or fine particles. Others involve methods such as scrubbers, NOx control, VOC abatement, Acid Gas/SO2 control, mercury control, and dioxin/furan control. Additionally there are two areas of miscellaneous associated equipment which do not fit into the above method criteria—source capturing systems and continuous emissions monitoring systems—all excellent methods for air pollution control systems.
The pollutants involved in air pollution control systems involve many different types, so the system used should be the appropriate one to do the highest quality of work while also meeting the standards required for the cleaning the air. And with over 90% of the time involved indoors—whether at work or in the home—the lack of any type of ventilation forces more air pollution health situations than needed.
For one example we can look at radon, a gas which is a carcinogen, rising from the earth in specific locations and trapped inside certain houses. It can come from certain building materials in ways we can never imagine. There are two ways to test for radon within the home—long term and short term—with two main sources for it within the home: the soil and water supply with it coming through the soil a much larger risk. That is because risks from water are random events, used for showering or household purposes only, with the water treatable through a point-of-entry treatment or point-of-use treatment. For more information on radon, call the EPA hotline at (800) 426-4791.