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Air Pollution Control Article
Air Pollution Control Measures
from:As you learn more about air pollution and what causes it, you will want to learn more about air pollution control measures. There are many things we all can do to help make our air a little cleaner. Individuals can do things like carpooling, walking, and riding bikes to help with air pollution control. On a larger scale, there are many different types of equipment available for businesses and factories that cut down, or even prevent air pollution. Some ways an individual can help control air pollution, is to use alternate means of transportation to places like shopping, and work. However, if your work is too far away to walk or bike, then you can do things like carpool with co workers to decrease the amount of pollution. If you want to help prevent air pollution indoors then you can start with having adequate ventilation in all rooms, and if needed you can have exhaust systems installed. Another terrible source of indoor air pollution is cigarette smoking. It is best to avoid being exposed to any cigarette smoke whenever possible. These are some of the ways you could practice good air pollution control on an individual level. However, if you do a bit of research and get creative, then you can find even more ways to clean up the air.
When it comes to air pollution control on a large scale, then it is the job of businesses to get the proper equipment needed to control each type of pollution. There are many different products that can be purchased to help prevent and sometimes eliminate pollution of the air. These products include, baghouse filters, activated carbon absorbers, and gas absorption towers. The baghouse filter can be used in many areas like, coal, power, steel, chemical, and even mining industries. These types of filters can handle the filtration of huge gas volumes and remove most particulate pollution from air before it is released into the atmosphere. The carbon absorbers remove things like organic acids, hydrogen sulfide, and aldeheydes. These filters can be used in many different industries to aid in air pollution control. The chemical absorption towers are designed to remove many chemicals in different industries like, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, sulfuric acid, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and many more. Many places where this equipment is available can customize the equipment to the businesses specific needs and size, making it better at air pollution control. More and more industries are using these wonderful tools to help them do their part to clean up the air we breathe.