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Poor Air Quality Article
Ways to Eliminate Poor Air Quality
from:Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health. What most people do not realize is that poor air quality indoors can also cause many negative health effects. The Environmental Protection Agency has ran studies on the exposure to air pollutants. These studies indicate that indoor pollutants may be from 2 and up to more than 100 times higher than outdoor levels. This poor air quality indoors may be of particular concern with the fact being, most people spend about 90% of their time inside.
Nearly 55 million Americans or roughly twenty percent of the population in the United States of America spend a majority of their days in elementary and secondary school buildings. It has been proven by scientific studies that one-half of the nation’s 115,000 schools have poor air quality in their school. Because of the hours spent in school buildings in addition to the fact that children are more highly susceptible to pollutants students are at a higher risk of health problems due to poor air quality. School staffs, medical professionals, maintenance professionals, parents and others brought together by the Environmental Protection Agency’s annual Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Symposium have been made aware of the negative effects of the poor indoor air quality in America’s schools. These negative effects can have a lifelong effect on a child’s health. The people attending the symposium had a fantastic opportunity to learn much more about miscellaneous topics that dealt with indoor air quality in our schools. The topics included but were not limited to new construction, maintenance, mold remediation, pest control, financial services, asthma and student performance.
Air purifiers and air cleaners may be the answer to improving poor air quality indoors. A healthier and more productive life can be reached through the use of a quality air purifier or air cleaner inside your home, school or business. The air quality in your life can be improved by eliminating harmful smoke, dust, pet dander, odors and other miscellaneous pollutants in your home or workplace. You may feel healthier and more energetic by breathing a fresher and cleaner air indoors. The air indoors is 5 to 6 times more polluted than the air outdoors, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
In 1984 the World Health Organization Committee reported that up to 30 percent of new and remodeled homes and other buildings around the world may have excessive complaints against them related to poor air quality. IAQ or Indoor Air Quality is usually a temporary condition, but may possibly cause long-term problems.
The moral to this story is that poor air quality inside is as damaging and commonly more damaging to your health than the pollution outdoors.